Application Process


Application Dates

The application cycle for classes beginning in January 2026 opens on January 1, 2025.

We encourage students to submit applications as soon as possible. In the event of a tie for the last admission, the applicant who submitted their application first will be granted the seat in the program. 

NOTE: This is the application for the Arkansas Rural Nursing Education Consortium (ARNEC) Class of 2026 at the following sites: SouthArk Community College, UA Cossatot, UA Hope/TXK, and UA Rich Mountain.

Upon applying for the ARNEC program, you will be required to register for a Survey Monkey account. Please remember this information as a new application must be submitted each application period.     

 The application submission requires a non-refundable processing fee.  Please be sure you are making payment for the ARNEC program application in order for the submission to be completed.  Only submit one application per application period.  


ARNEC reserves the right to alter the curriculum and admission policies whenever change is deemed necessary.  Admission to ARNEC begins by completing the online application process found at  

There is a non-refundable $25.00 application fee, payable online, that must be paid before the application can be completed. All applicants must follow all procedures listed on the website. Only complete and accurate applications are considered for processing.

Note: There is a special application and deadline period for this program.

After online payment, the ARNEC application should be completed and submitted. You may only apply one time per application period; multiple applications will result in disqualification for this admission period. The application will be submitted to the primary school of choice that you select when completing the online application. Students must also complete an application to the college where they are applying and comply with that institution's admission requirements. This includes submitting all required documents to that institution. Students will follow all policies of their admitting institution, which can be found in the institution’s  catalog.

Entrance Requirements

All general education courses, except for one, must be completed by the application deadline (August 31st). The one remaining course cannot be a course that was attempted previously and earned a D or F. This  remaining course must be completed by December, prior to classes beginning, with a grade of "C" or higher. Students must have all general education requirements completed by the time classes begin.

  • Background checks will be conducted on selected applicants prior to the beginning of the program. If an applicant's background check is unsatisfactory, he/she will not be admitted to the program. Note: This background check is conducted at the student's expense.

Applicants must show proof of:

  • Complete an ARNEC program application online at

  • Graduate from a State Board approved technical/practical nursing program or be deemed qualified by a State Board to sit for the NCLEX-PN exam and show successful completion of the NCLEX-PN exam.

  • Possess an active, valid, unencumbered LPN/LVN license

  • Complete the required general education courses from an accredited college or university with a grade of “C” or better.

  • A cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.5 (on a 4.0 scale) or above. GPA is composed of the required general education courses. You must also meet the criteria of the primary school of choice. You must also meet the criteria of the primary school of choice.

  • A copy of all college transcripts for advisement and OFFICIAL transcripts from ALL college(s) by September 7th.

  • English as a second Language (ESL): All classes are taught in the English language, making it necessary that students are able to read, speak, write, and comprehend the English language proficiently. According to the Arkansas State Board of Nursing Rules for education programs (Chapter 6, section G-Students, c.), “Students who speak English as a second language shall meet the same admission criteria as other students and shall pass an English proficiency examination.”

  • Drug screen (per admitting institution protocol)

  • Pre-Entrance Exam: The following guidelines apply to the entrance exam for all ARNEC applicants, beginning with those applying to the 2025 cohort.

    A. All students must take the exam after January 1, 2024 as it is a new exam.  No previous attempts will be used.

    i.     Students must provide an official transcript regarding the entrance exam results.

    ii.     The use of calculators will be based upon the entrance exam guidelines.

    B. Each student will be allowed only 2 attempts for the NACE exam, the higher score will be used.

    C. Each student must score at least a 60% to be admitted to the ARNEC program.

    D. Student must allow 2 weeks between each attempt.

    E. Monday, September 8, 2025, is the last day to take the NACE exam, one week after the application period closes. 

    F. All testing must be done in a proctored setting and will not be accepted if taken outside of that setting.  NO virtual testing is allowed.

Students will be ranked and selected based on their GPA from the required general education course and their pre-entrance exam score. Students must comply with the admission requirements set forth by the admitting institution in addition to the ARNEC requirements.

If an applicant failed a generic RN program, then later successfully completed an LPN/LVN/LPTN program, the applicant will be eligible to apply to the ARNEC program.


Applicants that are selected for admission must notify the ARNEC institution that they will be attending to verify and accept placement. Upon acceptance into the program, the student must provide the following:

  • Current American Heart Association: Healthcare Provider CPR Card in compliance with the American Heart Association Basic Life Support (CPR and AED)

  • Program TB Health Card or proof of negative TB screen

  • Hepatitis B (verification of completion or started) or a Denial Waiver form signed

  • Proof of immunity to varicella. Proof may consist of:

1.    Proof of two vaccines, at least 1 month apart or
2.    Varicella antibody titer indicating immunity

  • Proof of current Influenza Vaccination (within most recent flu season)

  • All immunizations must be current upon acceptance and maintained during the program. Other immunizations may be required per facility.

Students selected will be contacted by the school that they are accepted. Students must follow the instructions given at that time and meet specified deadlines.

Students accepted into the ARNEC Program will be required to demonstrate PN to RN competencies at the beginning of the program.

Academic Progression

In order to progress in the ARNEC program, the student must meet the following criteria:

  • The student must maintain a 2.0 “C” (on a 4.0 scale) in all general education and nursing classes, including nursing practicum, to progress to the next semester. Nursing courses require students to achieve at least a 78% (lowest “C” grade) to progress.

  • Students must maintain compliance with ARNEC's policies and procedures to progress to the next semester or graduate.


Due to differences in nursing curriculum in other nursing programs, ARNEC will not accept transfer credit for previously taken Registered Nursing courses. Students who were enrolled in another program will follow the same requirements and admission procedures as students who have never attended another nursing program.

Advanced Placement of Students

Refer to the Advanced Placement of Students policy in the admitting college’s catalog.

Graduation Policy

Students must have successfully completed all general education courses and all nursing courses with a grade of “C” or better. Upon completion, the student’s status will be submitted to the state board of nursing declaring that the student wishes to sit for the licensing examination.

Graduation from the ARNEC LPN/LVN - to - RN Transition Program does NOT automatically enable the student to sit for the NCLEX-RN, (i.e., unacceptable criminal background check, such as but not limited to violation of Annotated Code 17-87-312 & Licensing Restriction Based on Criminal Records Annotated Code 17-3-102). This is determined by the state board of nursing to which the graduate applies for licensure. Completion of the ARNEC program does not guarantee that you will be granted licensure to practice as a nurse or that you are deemed eligible to test for the NCLEX-RN exam. Successful completion of the ARNEC program and receiving a license through the Arkansas State Board of Nursing or receiving a license through another state of residence does not guarantee license reciprocity in all 50 states.